Hezlett Primary School is a primary school located on the outskirts of Castlerock, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. It is a state maintained school for girls and boys aged from 3 to 11 and has 295 pupils. The majority of pupils come from the villages of Castlerock and Articlave, and the surrounding rural area. It is within the North Eastern Education and Library Board area.
The Department of Education (Northern Ireland) carried out a short inspection in October 2005 and found that the strengths of the school included: "the caring and supportive atmosphere which promotes well the children’s confidence and self-esteem ... · the good working relationships at all levels; the well-behaved and responsive children ... the dedicated teachers and the quality of teaching which ranges from good, in most of the lessons observed, to excellent, in a minority of lessons". Areas for improvement included: "the need to embed further, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support and extend the children’s learning.